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Posts Tagged with "discernment"

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Lovers of Truth in an Age of Nonsense


I am increasingly concerned that Christians are following the culture’s lead as it spirals toward emotionalism and nonsense. However, Christianity is a religion of truth; therefore, no one should be more committed to truth, logic, and rational thinking than Christians....

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Obedience to God or Men?


Last week I wrote a blog post entitled, “Human Authorities and the Present Moment.” My thesis was, “Obedience to God-ordained authorities ranks very high in the priorities of a biblical ethic; therefore, the threshold for disobeying authorities must also be high.” In this post I want to explore what type of things meet this threshold....

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How Should Christians Think about Animal Rights?


There is a lot of passionate debate in our society over the fair treatment of animals. This post reflects on the debate from biblical perspective noting how the story of creation and the gospel itself speak to modern questions....

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Bible Rules vs. Family Rules


How do you respond when your children rub up agains the differing convictions of other Christian families? It's important that we respond well in these moments and use them to prepare our kids to be discerning and to relate well to fellow believers. ...

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Isn't Sunday Morning Enough?


Many Christians have always assumed that attending Sunday morning worship is enough church for the week. This post offers five reasons why Christians should consider being with the church as much as possible. ...

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