On Singleness, Dating, and Marriage
This past Sunday, I briefly touched on the tricky subject of dating and marriage. It’s no secret that we live in a day with many conflicting ideas about these subjects. Secular culture has always been obsessed with romance, because who doesn’t like a good romance story? Of course, there is nothing wrong with romance. In fact, it is a very good thing, assuming it is governed by biblical priorities. But romance tends to take on a life of its own and to become an end in itself. This can be very dangerous, and we can see all around us in the dating culture of the world the fruits of an emphasis on romance that is divorced from marriage.
But sadly, it’s not just the secular world that has a lot of bad things to say about dating and marriage. I’ve heard a lot of Christians express bad ideas also. Several years ago, I came across this interview by 9 Marks on these issues. It really challenged my thinking, and if you are a single adult or a parent, I think you would benefit from what the participants have to say. You may not agree with ever detail, but there is a lot of good meat here to consider.
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