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Posts Tagged with "Culture"

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Lovers of Truth in an Age of Nonsense


I am increasingly concerned that Christians are following the culture’s lead as it spirals toward emotionalism and nonsense. However, Christianity is a religion of truth; therefore, no one should be more committed to truth, logic, and rational thinking than Christians....

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Seeing Souls with a Gospel Lens


One of the greatest ministry challenges we all face is how to effectively reach people who come from a very different world than our own. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 provides important counsel for overcoming these walls and also a timely challenge for how we view people in divisive times such as we are facing today....

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How Should Christians Think about Animal Rights?


There is a lot of passionate debate in our society over the fair treatment of animals. This post reflects on the debate from biblical perspective noting how the story of creation and the gospel itself speak to modern questions....

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