
In preparation for our recent study on prayer, I read several books on the subject. Here are my three favorites.




1. A Call to Spiritual Reformation: Priorities from Paul and His Prayers - This book grew out of a sermon series on prayer. It focuses on Paul's prayers but also includes four more general chapters. Carson writes with exegetical precision, pastoral warmth, and practical wisdom. He also has a knack for putting deep theological truths into laymen's terms. If you're looking for more of a Bible study on prayer or if you love good, theological preaching, this book is for you! (For the second edition of this book, click here.)

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2. Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God - Keller's book was the most thorough examination of prayer that I read. Keller distills the writings of men like Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and Owen. He is philosophical, but not hard to read. If you want a thorough book on prayer with a great bibliography or if you're interested in church history, I would recommend this book.


3. A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World - This is the first book that I read and the one that got me excited about the series. Although I disagreed with more in this book than I did with Carson or Keller, much of what Miller has to say is very biblical and helpful. For instance, his discussion of cynicism vs. having a child-like disposition is excellent. This book was very challenging to my heart. I trust that it will be to yours, as well.


Of course, the Bible is our authority on prayer and the standard by which we judge all other books.