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Your Anger Is Not Okay


Anger is a bigger problem than we often realize. The Bible warns us about the dangers of anger and commands us to put it away. This post challenges us to recognize the wickedness of anger and how it makes us vulnerable to Satan's attacks, so that we will do the hard work of putting anger away through the strength of Christ....

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How Should Christians Think about Animal Rights?


There is a lot of passionate debate in our society over the fair treatment of animals. This post reflects on the debate from biblical perspective noting how the story of creation and the gospel itself speak to modern questions....

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Sanctification by List?


I watched a documentary recently about one of the best rock climbers in the world. One thing that stood out to me about this rock climber was his commitment to personal growth in his sport. And one symbol of his commitment was his climbing journal, in which he meticulously tracks his performance. I wonder if we as Christians could learn from his example as it relates to tr...

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Christ Is the Gift of the Gospel


As evangelists, we often struggle to merge the free grace of the gospel with the demands of discipleship. This is because we don't always understand that Christ is the primary gift of the gospel, and everything else flows from him. In this post, I will demonstrate the primacy of Christ and how every other gift of the gospel stems from him....

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Individual and Community Discipleship


We often assume that discipleship requires an arrangement between a disciple maker and a disciple. But is this the only way discipleship happens?...

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The Name of God and the Movies


We would all agree that taking God’s name in vain is a sin (Ex 20:7). But is it a sin to watch movies in which His name is misused? How should we think through this issue, and what should be the heart behind our decisions?...

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Bible Rules vs. Family Rules


How do you respond when your children rub up agains the differing convictions of other Christian families? It's important that we respond well in these moments and use them to prepare our kids to be discerning and to relate well to fellow believers. ...

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Pray in the Spirit

Praying Hands

Ephesians 6:18 tells us to “pray in the Spirit.” But what does that mean? It’s a command, so we better figure out!...

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My Yearly Bible Reading Journey

Bible, Phone, and Headphones

Three years ago, I began an epic journey. I started reading through the Bible every year....

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Parenting Resources


This spring, I taught a class on parenting at our church. In preparation for the class, I interacted with a number of different parenting resources. Here are five of the resources I found most helpful....

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